The combat flight simulator Red Baron 3D by Dynamix is required to use the graphic,3d model,and game files on this site

Dynamix files, tools & info

AC 3D  models 

textures~graphics info

RB3D-WWI AC links


Model files &
custom screens
for MMP wars

Uhlan's AirWar contributor

Please report bugs, quirks and submit information for inclusion to this page and readmes of these files.Feel free to write and submit files for all to use to improve our sim<g>

Tutorials on editor use, interrelationships of individual data parameters and between different .dat files would be extremely helpful.

Flight , AC specs & Damage model editors:

FMeditorV2 Capt.Darwin
ACspecsedV2 Capt.Darwin

Foil & Wing .dat stock files. Format unknown, these files may be the key to further flight model improvements.

DamageEdv4 with all stock ##Damage.dat included Capt.Darwin

MMP Server Editors , Security & Scoring Programs

Server Security program GET ! .. USE ! .. by Rens (link).

All-target-destruction-logging server with NAT patch by Klay Pijon
MMP Server Scoring program v340 by Klay Pijon
MMP Server Scoring Program v324 used in RBWL scoring, Klay Pijon

MMP ServerManager~Landmarks Editor Chevelle (link)

Object , Object set, Landmarks & Terrain Editors:

(MMP)LandmarksEditor3 does SP too ! ... Capt. Darwin

LoEd2.1 Capt.Darwin
ObjectEd3.0 Capt.Darwin
ObjectEd1.0 & LoEd2.0 Capt.Darwin
Lo###### & Lndmrks#.dat extracted from RB3D CD rb.vol

RBII Terrain Editor by Dynamix~link to Midnight Mike's Hanger
Post comments or discuss this editor at the SWWISA forum

Graphics Editors:

.SPL.PAL Editor for editing non standard palettes and special palette control files by Capt. Darwin

Grfx Tweek v2 Capt.Darwin Utility for specific graphics settings

Terrain Loader & Sky Editors by Tom Winters (link)

All Planes Paint Sygrod RB Paint Shop access to all 38 planes

File Managers:

RBpatch Manager by Jammer (link)

CampaignManager11 by von Tom
VBrun300.dll needed to run CM11 , can be placed in your 'cm11' folder or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM (for Win9.x/ME)

Single Play Editors:

UOP File Creator von Tom VBrun300.dll required

PilotEd von Tom

CampaignEd Tymophil

SquadEdv5 Kirk Cooper ?

SquadEd Kirk Cooper

RBsim Sygrod rbsim.ini does NOT effect AC gun power in multiplay

© 1999-2003 Erik'Flybert'Aamot. No content nor files may be reposted without permission of Flybert or the original author.